Monday 30 July 2012

Questioning - You’re First Step In Kenpo

Questioning - Your First Step In Kenpo
Ask a question. In fact ask as many as you can. Remember this, there are no stupid questions. At his Kenpo school in Wicklow, Motivational Martial Artsowner Alan Ellis encourages his students to constantly question.
“I have been to various clubs and schools of martial arts where to question is deemed as disrespectful” remarks Alan.” My own view is that if you don’t ask then you’re going to significantly impair your ability to learn”
Some schools have a policy that the students should never question. In Ellis’ view this philosophy is short changing the student.
“If I go to my solicitor or my doctor, I’ll ask questions” states Ellis. In fact asking questions of his doctor may just have saved his life! Ellis documents that experience in his Heart Defence Project.
When it comes to learning a martial art and one that pertains to be a self defence art, the Wicklow based martial artist belives that students should be encouraged to ask questions from day one.
Some students will learn more visually. Others will take in information through auditory means. Its important that instructors recognise this and seek training in how to communicate with students.
Ellis is thankful that his instructors encouraged his questioning.
“I’m sure that at times I was at bit too much “ quips Ellis. “I was fortunate to train with men such as Tommy Jordan and the late Erle Montaigue” “Questions were always encouraged and answers explained in depth ”
Ellis recommends  that if you’re thinking of taking a Kenpo class, or any martial arts class, then you should look at a class and watch how the instructor will interact with his students.
“Use your common sense” " You wouldn’t accept second rate service in any other area” states Ellis
“Martial arts training should be no different”
If you need help in finding a martial arts class that is right for you Alan Ellis may be contacted on 089-4567533 or email at

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